As the end of May approaches, I thought I'd give another update of things here at Crescent Lake NWR.
The weather has finally warmed up a bit, the high water seems to be receding, and the rate of new migrants have definitely slowed down. The only new species for the spring was a PURPLE MARTIN that was flying over the yard.
In regards to the curlews, most nests have hatched and we're busy tracking chicks!
With the warmer temps come more butterflies. Here's an EASTERN TAILED-BLUE in the yard:
I had never been somewhere before that is totally overrun with ORCHARD ORIOLES... but this is the place. This grainy shot was also from my yard:

Not sure if anyone is interested in LARK BUNTINGS, but they are pretty thick in this part of the state... especially habitats with some sage:

I was in the yard earlier when I heard the familiar call of a BROAD-WINGED HAWK. A minute later, I spotted it down the road a bit:

Lastly, instead of nesting on the island in Goose Lake (where they have nested before), PIPING PLOVERS decided to nest ON the road this season! I watched an adult sit on this nest: