22 December 2012

Another post!

I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of actually posting stuff on here once in a while.  I won't spend too much time going into background for the last 3 months though.

Yes, I'm starting to see some SWAINSON'S HAWKS in the Central Valley yet again this winter.  Here's a juvenile (it's been postulated that all the over-wintering SWHAs here in the CEVA are juvs):

We have plenty of GOLDEN EAGLES around as well, WAY more than Bald Eagles.  Here's a GOEA from the Los Banos area:

Nothing special about this picture; it just shows a typical view of the wetlands that I work in (trying to capture, band, and radio-tag dowitchers and Dunlin):

You should see a GREEN-WINGED TEAL hit a mistnet at 50 mph!  I was lucky to snag this guy predawn the other day: