Well, I'm back (and with some pictures this time). Passerine migration is finally starting to pick up here in western Nebraska.
First is a Yellow Warbler:
The Northern Parula I found over a week ago is still around (the likelihood of this being the same bird is pretty high, I think):
Something caught the eye of this Forster's Tern:
A nice dash of color, this male Black-headed Grosbeak prefers my suet:
My feeders have been a blur as of late. They have been host to many Clay-colored Sparrows:
...and this male Lazuli Bunting:
...and to hoards and hoards of Lark Sparrows:
On a final note, I was happy to hear the resident Long-eared Owls hooting behind my house this morning! Such a cool species to have nesting in one's yard!!