08 February 2019

Holiday in Costa Rica

This past Christmas I helped lead a Field Guides tour to Costa Rica.  Needless to say, it was a wonderful escape from the northern winter!  It certainly was a successful tour and we ended up netting 320+ species in less than a week!  We stayed at Rancho Naturalista for all of our nights away from San Jose which made for a relaxing and gorgeous home base.

Here are just a few photos from the slew I came back with.

Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush:

Crowned Woodnymph:


Stripe-throated Hermit:

Green-breasted Mango:

Black-and-gold Tanager:

Tawny-chested Flycatcher:

Red-throated Ant-Tanager:

Mottled Owl:

Tropical Screech-Owl:

Ornate Hawk-Eagle:

Sooty Thrush:

Slaty Flowerpiercer:

Green Thorntail:


Spotted Barbtail:

Black-faced Solitaire: