Thankfully, the snow melted off pretty quickly and I resumed wishing for warbs. I ventured to Steyermark Woods here in Hannibal today to see if maybe any had arrived.
A LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH was back and singing along the stream. This isn't surprising at all, they were here on 20 March last year! But then again, everything has been late here this spring.
On my way back to the car, I heard the "chimp chimp" of a WINTER WREN. A little work and it popped up briefly:
All in all, still a pretty quiet time of year. There were 6 species of woodpeckers but that's not too crazy. I managed 27 species in 51 minutes. You can find the checklist here. Embedded in it is a recording of the above waterthrush, one of my favorite spring sounds. Enjoy.