16 April 2011

Yard birds and more...

We were lucky to manage two more yard birds within the last week.  First was a flock of fly-over DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS.  The next flock to fly over were new yard birds too; Ashley spotted this flock of 78 AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS:

Speaking of the yard, my feeders are under constant attack from EASTERN FOX SQUIRRELS.  Here is a photo I took of one enjoying the seed:

And no, I didn't flip the photo over or anything.  In fact, it was hanging clean-off the feeder.  If you wonder how a squirrel could do that... well:

Here is a SORA at a local marsh.  This denizen of thick, marsh vegetation has just arrived back in Iowa within the last week or two:

Even when a Sora is still essentially out in the open, it can be very well camouflaged:

Not all species are so obliging.  Here is bad light on an EASTERN TOWHEE:

Last but not least, we were spinning down the road when Ashley said "Hey, there was an owl back there".  Huh?!  Kicked it into reverse and sure enough, a BARRED OWL was looking at us from deep within the woods: