We went birding first thing in the morning today. We checked out some of the lagoons further south and were greeted by many new species for the trip. Considering my new camera gear and the fact that I didn't really wanted to get robbed, I decided NOT to haul it through the city hence the lack of photos from the morning.
However, like yesterday, most of the time today was spent going to talks for the conference. However, I continued to bird the gardens at the hotel in addition to walking some on the beach.
About 1/4 mile south of the hotel was a rocky outcropping of rocks along the beach. These rocks provided numerous shorebird species throughout the week. Pictured below are Surfbirds. Initially there were a couple, then 8, and then over 50!
Back at the hotel, I finally caught up to a Cinnamon Hummingbird, pictured below:
Along the beach at the hotel, gulls were never hard to find. The below Heerman's Gull was one of the species that would frequent the area:
By far the most common species at the hotel, White-winged Doves were easy to photograph:
A little less common than the White-winged Doves but still quite common, Ruddy Ground-Doves would frequent the feeders at the hotel:
With the early morning birding we were able to squeeze in, today yielded many new species for the trip:
(*) = west Mexico endemic
Ani, Groove-billed
Avocet, American
Chat, Yellow-breasted
Coot, American
Dove, Inca
Dowitcher, Long-billed
Duck, Ruddy
Egret, Snowy
Flycatcher, Vermilion
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
Grebe, Least
Grebe, Pie-billed
Grosbeak, Blue
Ground-Dove, Common
Gull, Bonaparte's
Gull, Herring
Gull, Laughing
Heron, Green
Heron, Tricolored
Ibis, White-faced
Mockingbird, Northern
Moorhen, Common
Night-Heron, Black-crowned
Oriole, Hooded
Oystercatcher, American
Saltator, Grayish
Sandpiper, Least
Shoveler, Northern
Sparrow, Lark
Spoonbill, Roseate
Swallow, Mangrove
Swallow, Northern Rough-winged
Tanager, Summer
Tattler, Wandering
Teal, Blue-winged
Teal, Green-winged
Vireo, Bell's
Warbler, Wilson's
* Wren, Sinaloa
Yellowlegs, Greater
Yellowthroat, Common