In case you don't happen to view pictures on my Flickr account, here are some photos from the last week I spent up in the Klamath Basin in northern California.
First up, VAUX'S SWIFTS actually use the chimney to the field house. Pretty cool. Here's a ratty one above our driveway:
I usually see several COMMON NIGHTHAWKS on a nightly basis. It's hard to believe that before this month, I still needed this species for California:
There are large quantities of ducks in the area of all different varieties. Here is a cluster of REDHEADS:
Speaking of waterfowl, I was surprised to find these four GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE at Lower Klamath NWR. According to eBird, this is only the second time this species has ever been seen in Siskiyou County in August (they might have just oversummered):
The whole purpose of being in the Klamath Basin for a month or two was to catch LONG-BILLED DOWITCHERS so that we can put radio-transmitters on them and track them on their wintering grounds. Hence, you'll see a lot of photos of dowitchers:
Our prized catch so far was this LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER that we were able to put our first transmitter on:
Another common shorebird species is the WILSON'S PHALAROPE. Here is a juvenile:
Less common are BAIRD'S SANDPIPERS, one seen here to the left of a LEAST SANDPIPER:
I've also seen a couple of MARBLED GODWITS although they're not as common as Long-billed Curlews. Here's a lone godwit at Lower Klamath NWR:
We've caught a variety of other shorebirds although they're not specifically the species we're after. Here is a juvenile SEMIPALMATED PLOVER (you can see some fine, pale fringing on the wing coverts):

That's all for now, stay tuned for another update.... in like a month from now. -sigh-