Well, spring has arrived for me and I recently made my trek out to western Nebraska to start my fieldwork with Long-billed Curlews.
First things first though, and that was driving out from Iowa with two giant vehicles! However, everything went smoothly and Ashley and I even got to stop at Lake McConaughy for a quick look around. We found:
Western Grebe (5000+)
Horned Grebe (8)
Common Loon (10+)
6 species of gulls (Ring-billed, Herring, Franklin's, Bonaparte's, Glaucous, Lesser Black-backed)
Say's Phoebe (1)
Eastern Phoebe (1)
Loggerhead Shrike (10+)
Here is a picture of the Glaucous Gull:
Further up the road near Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge, we found things like Loggerhead Shrikes, Long-billed Curlews, Burrowing Owl, etc. Below is a Loggerhead Shrike shot from the other day:
Near Scottsbluff, I saw White-throated Swifts which nests up on the cliff faces. The picture below is pretty poor quality... but it IS a swift, you know....
Also, Black-billed Magpies were common near the National Monument:
As many of you know, I do not have internet at the refuge I stay at. Hence, updates to the blog will be weekly at best (I think). Of course, all of this assuming someone actually looks at this blog at all! Ha.